October 11, 2023
Tuesdays, 1-3 pm PT
Start Date
Live Class
Course Description
A course that focuses on writing high quality op-ed articles, for ARU Graduate Center members (by invitation only).
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Graded students and auditors are invited to join the ARU Discord community, an online social
experience that facilitates connections and casual discussion among the student body. On the
ARU Discord, you’re encouraged to form discussion groups, make use of the “lounge” areas,
and engage with your classmates and instructors anytime throughout the week.
Members of the ARU Discord must adhere to the ARU Confidentiality and Code of Conduct
requirements, as well as Discord’s own community guidelines. Access to the ARU Discord is
restricted to active participants in a given school year, to students on hiatus, and to alumni.
Those who withdraw from ARU before attaining alumni status will be removed from the ARU