Ayn Rand University /


February 5, 2024

Mondays, 9 am - 12 pm PT

Q2, Q3


Start Date

Live Class


Course Description

This course will survey the essentials of the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. We’ll trace the development of Plato’s thought from the early dialogues, which focus on various ethical theses and on the standards for knowledge they presuppose, to Plato’s development of the first philosophical system–an integrated set of ideas about the fundamental nature of reality, man, knowledge, and value. We’ll then turn to Aristotle, beginning with some of his views on the nature of knowledge, the structure of science, and the principles of logic. We’ll explore his views on some metaphysical issues, emphasizing the similarities and differences between his views and Plato’s, and conclude with a study of his ethics. Their positions will be considered in relation to Objectivism throughout the course.

Class Recordings

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