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Hello everyone,Homework
The first homework assignment has been posted on the course’s website. This is the direct link to access the assignment’s page: Homework #1. The deadline for this assignment is Monday, April 8, by 4 pm Central Time / 2 pm Pacific Time / 5 pm Easter Time.List of Topics from Class 1
A document with a list of the topics covered in the first class has been posted under the Week 1 module. This is the direct link to access the module: Week 1.

Testing Announcement – April 4.


Testing WP Media Unprotected Link: Document.

Testing WP Media Protected Link – Logged-in Users: Document.
Testing WP Media Protected Link – Anyone: Document.

Testing WP Media Unprotected Link: Document.
Testing WP Media Protected Link – Logged-in Users: Document.
Testing WP Media Protected Link – Anyone: Document.

Testing WP Media Unprotected Link: Document.
Testing WP Media Protected Link – Logged-in Users: Document.
Testing WP Media Protected Link – Anyone: Document.

Testing WP Media Protected Link – Logged-in Users: Document.
Testing WP Media Unprotected Link: Document.
Testing WP Media Unprotected Link – Anyone: Document.


Announcement with .doc Attachment Test

Announcement with Attachment Test

Announcement content

This is a test announcement from Jason. Please ignore.

Above this line there should be one line of text and one blank line.

This line (3) should be in bold.

This line (4) should be in italics.
There should be no blank line between line 4 and this line (5).

Following the colon should be a link to the course page: Course to test announcement

There should be a file attachment of 49.4 KB.

This is the last line of the message.

Curabitur in justo nec tortor ornare malesuada nec et justo. Sed elementum non purus non eleifend. Aliquam ultrices sed magna sed dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sed diam viverra tortor porta maximus in et leo. 

Curabitur in justo nec tortor ornare malesuada nec et justo. Sed elementum non purus non eleifend. Aliquam ultrices sed magna sed dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sed diam viverra tortor porta maximus in et leo.

Curabitur in justo nec tortor ornare malesuada nec et justo. Sed elementum non purus non eleifend. Aliquam ultrices sed magna sed dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sed diam viverra tortor porta maximus in et leo. Proin eu est eget nulla aliquam dignissim ac a mi. Vivamus velit mi, congue vel orci id, rhoncus consequat metus. 

Curabitur in justo nec tortor ornare malesuada nec et justo. Sed elementum non purus non eleifend. Aliquam ultrices sed magna sed dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sed diam viverra tortor porta maximus in et leo.

  1. Proin eu est eget nulla aliquam dignissim ac a mi.
  2. Vivamus velit mi, congue vel orci id, rhoncus consequat metus.
  3. Sed nec nulla at ligula blandit sollicitudin vitae sed ex.

Cras ultrices imperdiet neque. Integer fermentum vulputate mattis. Sed eget posuere magna. Sed varius nulla in viverra condimentum. Cras ac tortor sit amet tellus venenatis pharetra.

Curabitur in justo nec tortor ornare malesuada nec et justo. Sed elementum non purus non eleifend. Aliquam ultrices sed magna sed dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent sed diam viverra tortor porta maximus in et leo. Proin eu est eget nulla aliquam dignissim ac a mi. Vivamus velit mi, congue vel orci id, rhoncus consequat metus. Sed nec nulla at ligula blandit sollicitudin vitae sed ex. Cras ultrices imperdiet neque. Integer fermentum vulputate mattis. Sed eget posuere magna. Sed varius nulla in viverra condimentum. Cras ac tortor sit amet tellus venenatis pharetra.

No deprecations have been logged on this site in a while, you may no longer need this plugin.

Please note that not all jQuery deprecation notices are recorded in the log. Deprecation notices that occur on public pages (front end) are recorded. Notices from the admin pages (back end) are only recorded if the immediate deprecation notices in the admin bar are turned off. Also keep in mind that under WordPress 5.6 logging of deprecation notices are only logged if logging is specifically enabled by the user.

This means you should still check that things work as expected after you have disabled the plugin, and if you know there have been warnings in the admin pages, you may still need to reach out to the authors of the affected plugin or theme.

TEST – Body.

(AD switched user with Jeff’s account)

TEST – Body.

(AD switched user with Vinicius’ account)

Test: TEST Subject – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi semper iaculis commodo. Integer consectetur a turpis eget bibendum. Curabitur vitae ligula urna. Aliquam tortor enim, pellentesquenon euismod id, lobortis nec erat. Etiam vitae est tincidunt, tincidunt justo vel, scelerisque lorem. Morbi consequat est sed cursus tempus. Proin nisl felis, rhoncus ac tempus eget, mattis ut urna. Maecenas tincidunt condimentum imperdiet.

Directly on the Page

Hello world!

Unpublished form

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