Avatar photoShoshana Milgram

The syllabus contains information about the reasons for you to acquire this text.

A main reason is that I am assigning nine essays from the 2019 Norton Critical edition. Other editions do not have these essays.

Two writing assignments refer to these essays.
Three writing assignments, moreover, ask you to address significant passages within the novel, passages selected by you.  I think it would be OK for you to select passages from a different edition if you identify them clearly.   I would have to find them in a translation that is accurate.  I have not checked all transllations for accuracy.  Some translations are inaccurate, and would not make sense for us to discuss in class a passage that is inaccurately translated.
If you are acquiring our book (and you would need it for at least the nine essays), please note what I have written in the syllabus (which I assume will be going online soon).

Texts/Necessary Background Material:

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, translated and edited by Michael R. Katz, Norton Critical Edition 2019 (A New Translation with Backgrounds and Sources and Criticism). New York: Norton, 2019.  ISBN: 978-0-393-26427-2 (pbk).

Please acquire this book, as a paperback or in the Kindle edition

Amazon US:‏ Paperback (ASIN: 0393264270) 

Amazon US: Kindle (ASIN: B07VHP6VZ7)


Note: There are earlier Norton Critical Editions of the novel; ours has the Michael Katz translation as well as some essays that were not included in earlier Norton Critical Editions. I am assigning several of the essays in this collection.


There is an edition of the Katz translation that does not include the background, sources, and criticism. The course assignments will include the background, sources, and criticism. Therefore: check that you are ordering the correct book: the Norton Critical with the Katz translation.


If you wish to read the novel itself in Russian, you are welcome to do so, of course. For the course, you will also want to read the essays in the Norton Critical volume. (Some of these can be found in Russian; most cannot.)