“Productive work,” Ayn Rand said, “is the road of man’s unlimited achievement and calls upon the highest attributes of his character: his creative ability, his ambitiousness, his self-assertiveness, his refusal to bear uncontested disasters, his dedication to the goal of reshaping the earth in the image of his values.”
The purpose of ARU is to empower students to learn and live Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. And since Objectivism puts productive work at the center of a moral life, one of our chief ambitions is to help students choose and achieve careers they love.
That’s why we created ARU Launch Pad to connect ARU students with exciting internship and work opportunities.
What is ARU Launch Pad?
ARU Launch Pad is a program that enables organizations to promote internship and job opportunities to ARU students.
We welcome opportunities from companies and employers that are friendly to the Ayn Rand Institute and broadly aligned with aspects of ARI’s mission. Our students have a wide range of interests and abilities, and so we welcome all kinds of internship and work opportunities: from intellectual to technical fields, from entry-level positions to more advanced job openings.
To ensure that we are able to maximize student learning, we do ask that participating organizations agree to share information about student work performance with the ARU Coaching and Mentoring leadership team.

Benefit to Employers
Participating in ARU Launch Pad is the ultimate win-win trade. ARU attracts many highly motivated, highly intelligent, highly ambitious individuals from around the world. We prize students who take ideas seriously, take morality seriously, and take work seriously. By matching the right ARU student with the right internship or job opportunity, your company can benefit.
The benefit of ARU Launch Pad to ARU students
One of the greatest challenges people face is taking their first steps on the road to success—not only in securing a first job, but in changing career paths or entering a new field. ARU Launch Pad aims to support students like you in taking those first steps. Not only will you discover internship and work opportunities you may not have realized existed, but you will be turning your study of and commitment to Objectivism into a competitive advantage.

Get Involved
If you are interested in participating in this program, please let us know.